Oracle Database 12c/18c/19c Performance Tuning
Day 1
- Lesson 1 : Introduction
- Lesson 2 : Basic Tuning Tools
- Lesson 3 : Using Automatic Workload Repository
- Lesson 4 : Defining Problems
Day 2
- Lesson 5 : Using Metrics and Alerts
- Lesson 6 : Baselines
- Lesson 7 : Using AWR-Based Tools
- Lesson 8 : Monitoring an Application
Day 3
- Lesson 9 : Identifying Problem SQL Statements
- Lesson 10 : Influencing the Optimizer
- Lesson 11 : Using SQL Performance Analyzer
- Lesson 12 : SQL Performance Management
Day 4
- Lesson 13 : Using Database Replay
- Lesson 14 : Tuning the Shared Pool
- Lesson 15 : Tuning the Buffer Cache
- Lesson 16 : Tuning PGA and Temporary Space
Day 5
- Lesson 17 : Automatic Memory Management
- Lesson 18 : Tuning Segment Space Usage
- Lesson 19 : Tuning I/O
- Lesson 20 : Performance Tuning Summary
Lesson 1 : Introduction
- Identify tuning tools
- Utilize a tuning methodology
Lesson 2 : Basic Tuning Tools
- View the top wait events to determine the highest wait
- View the time model to diagnose performance issues
- Use dynamic performance views to view statistics and wait events
- Use Enterprise Manager Monitoring
- Identify the key tuning components of the alert logs
- Identify the key tuning components of user trace files
Lesson 3 : Using Automatic Workload Repository
- Create and manage AWR snapshots
- Generate AWR reports
- Create Compare Periods reports
Lesson 4 : Defining Problems
- Identify performance issues
- Set tuning priorities
- Interpret tuning diagnostics
- Tune for life cycle phase
Lesson 5 : Using Metrics and Alerts
- View metrics by using the metrics history views
- Create metric thresholds
- View alerts
Lesson 6 : Baselines
- Create AWR baselines
- Enable adaptive thresholds
- Create AWR baselines for future time periods
Lesson 7 : Using AWR-Based Tools
- Describe tuning automatic maintenance tasks
- Generate ADDM reports
- Generate Active Session History (ASH) reports
Lesson 8 : Monitoring an Application
- Configure and manage services
- Use services with client applications
- Use services with the Database Resource Manager
- Use services with the Scheduler
- Set performance-metric thresholds on services
- Configure services aggregation and tracing
Lesson 9 : Identifying Problem SQL Statements
- Describe SQL statement processing
- Describe the role of the optimizer
- View the SQL statement statistics\
- Identify the SQL statements that perform poorly
- Generate and view an execution plan
- Generate a tkprof report
- Generate an optimizer trace
Lesson 10 : Influencing the Optimizer
- Describe the optimizer’s behavior
- Adjust parameters to influence the optimizer
- Adjust data structures to influence the optimizer
Lesson 11 : Using SQL Performance Analyzer
- Identify the benefits of using SQL Performance Analyzer
- Describe the SQL Performance Analyzer workflow phases
- Use SQL Performance Analyzer to ascertain performance gains following a database
change - Use SQL Performance Analyzer to test the impact of proposed changesr
Lesson 12 : SQL Performance Management
- Manage changes to optimizer statistics
- Capture SQL profiles
- Use SQL Access Advisor
- Set up SQL Plan Management
- Set up various SQL Plan Management scenarios
Lesson 13 : Using Database Replay
- Identify the benefits of using Database Replay
- List the steps involved in Database Replay
- Use Enterprise Manager to record and replay workloads
Lesson 14 : Tuning the Shared Pool
- Diagnose and resolve hard-parsing problem
- Diagnose and resolve soft-parsing problem
- Size the shared pool
- Diagnose and resolve shared pool fragmentation
- Keep objects in the shared pool
- Size the reserved area
- Manage the results cache
Lesson 15 : Tuning the Buffer Cache
- Describe the buffer cache architecture
- Size the buffer cache
- Resolve common performance issues related to the buffer cache
- Use common diagnostic indicators to suggest a possible solution
Lesson 16 : Tuning PGA and Temporary Space
- Diagnose PGA memory issues
- Size the PGA memory
- Diagnose temporary space issues
- Specify temporary tablespace parameters for efficient operation
Lesson 17 : Automatic Memory Management
- Use memory advisors to size dynamic memory areas
- Enable Automatic Shared Memory Manager
- Enable Enterprise Manager memory parameters
- Set minimum size of auto-tuned SGA components
- Use the SGA advisor to set SGA_TARGET
- Enable Automatic Memory Management
- Use the Memory Advisor to set overall memory parameters
Lesson 18 : Tuning Segment Space Usage
- Tune segment space management
- Use Segment Space Advisor
- Convert to Automatic Segment Space Management
- Tune block space management
- Diagnose and correct row migration
- Diagnose table fragmentation
- Use table compression